Things change rapidly in the WordPress world. The content in this post is more than a year old and may no longer represent best practices.
Tech Liminal has been the venue for the East Bay WordPress Meetup since late 2009. In 2012, Tech Liminal moved from 14th Street to the building at 11th and Clay. Now Tech Liminal has moved again, to The Port Workspaces in the Kaiser Mall at 344 Thomas L. Berkley Way (a.k.a. 20th St).

What you need to know about the new location
Access to the building is by key card only. There will be someone at the 20th Street entrance (the one under the big “344”, next to CVS) to let you in. If you’re late and no one is at the door, contact Anca or Cindy.
The parking garage is closed on Sundays, but it’s not too difficult to find street parking. (You probably didn’t want to pay for the garage anyway.)
The escalator doesn’t run on weekends, so you need to take the lift elevator to the third floor. Walk straight through the lobby and you’ll find the elevator on your right just before the escalator appears on the left.
The roof garden is also closed weekends, but there’s an outdoor patio next to the space we’ve been using to meet.
Our exact meeting location may change depending on the number of RSVPs. Right now we’re on the third floor, past the bar, next to the outdoor patio.
We’re still getting pizza thanks to A2 hosting.
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